Changelog Updates vLoc3 RTK-Pro

Here you will find the version changelog of our software updates for the vLoc3 RTK-Pro in chronological order. The updates are free of charge for device owners and are installed via the MyLocator3 desktop software. We are very grateful for all requests and customisation needs. Every input helps us to progress together. Our development department modifies the vLoc3 RTK-Pro as a system accordingly so it satisfies all demands.

vLoc3 RTK-Pro Quick Setup Guide


vLoc3 RTK-Pro Quick Setup Guide EN
vLoc3-RTK Quick Setup Guide_EU_EN_V3.0.p
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 3.9 MB

vLoc3 RTK-Pro Update v2.0


vLoc3 RTK-Pro Update v1.35


The new firmware and software numbers are:  
vLoc3 RTK-Pro: v1.35
Download MyLocator3


What changes?


vLoc3 RTK-Pro Update v1.34



MyLocator3 v1.16:

  1. Extended setting for query "Start new survey"
  2. Edit objects and assign attributes


VMMap Cloud 0.12.9:

  1. New measurement marking
  2. Administration of users and teams
  3. Select data format for export

What changes?


Software vLoc3 RTK-Pro v1.34

  1. When the receiver is switched on, a query is made as to whether a new measurement should be started. This function can be switched on or off in the MyLocator3 app. The query is nothing new, but has always been available in the main menu. To make the data evaluation easier, you should switch on this function. With each start of a new measurement the data sets are separated from each other and the points are displayed in the corresponding color in the map view of VMMap Cloud. (e.g. red for power line, blue for water, etc.). This helps considerably when several measurements are placed next to each other.
  2. The different measurement methods (Classic View, Vector, etc.) can now be selected with a long press on the "Enter" key. This is also freely configurable in the MyLocator3 Desktop App.
  3. Object names can now also be assigned for marker location. (When using the Marker Locator Adapter).
  4. Extended display of the number of satellites. Up to now, only 12 satellites were displayed according to the NEMA standard. Now this has been extended to 99.
  5. The object list was extended with attributes. A more detailed explanation can be found in the Quick Start Guide "Object feature advanced".


MyLocator3 Desktop App v1.16:

  1. Extended setting for the query "Start new measurement" when switching on the receiver and selection of measurement methods (Classic, Vector, etc.) as a list under the menu item "Options".
  2.  Objects can now be edited and assigned attributes directly in the MyLocator3 Desktop App.


VMMap Cloud 0.12.9:

  1. New measurements are marked with a yellow dot in the list.
  2. Users and teams can now be created and deleted by the VMMap Cloud administrator himself.
  3. For export, the data format can be changed between DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds), or DD (decimal degrees).

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